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Woodstock Union High School & Middle School was the first public school partner in the NuVuX Network and serves seven communities in the Upper Valley of Vermont.


Vermont public education, and WUHSMS specifically, faces the challenge of attempting to increase enrollment in a state with declining population, while constantly innovating education practices which can best serve a wide range of students and learning modalities.

Outcome + Impact

The collaboration between NuVuX and WUHSMS has been a successful tool to enrich the learning of students with varied needs, while also providing a new lens on hands-on learning within the school and district. NuVuX has created multiple access points for students, families, and teachers including dedicated studio classes, curriculum-based collaborations, professional development, and family innovation nights. We are now in the fourth year of this collaboration, and combined, these programs have reached hundreds of students, community members and teachers.


In Woodstock, High School Innovation Lab Teaches Constructive Failure

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