
Leading virtual NuVu studios for high school students across China


Shenzhen, China

TeachFuture is an educational organization based in China and Vancouver, CA, that connects teachers and educational programs abroad with schools across China.


In collaboration with TeachFuture, we provide virtual studios for students in different high schools in China taught by NuVu Coaches in the US. As the program grows, we hope to expand the types of studio offerings available and reach a greater number of students through this model.

Outcome + Impact

Since summer 2020, over 60 high school students at Shenzhen International Foundation College Bao'an Campus in Shenzhen, China have participated in NuVu Virtual Studios through TeachFuture. This past June, our NuVuX Fellow, Nakeia Medcalf, led a summer studio focused on wearable-technologies, where students designed futuristic, interactive fashion pieces. Since September, NuVu Coaches Chris Perry and Myrna Ayoub have been running two semester-long studios on biomimetics and hacking public spaces.